Mostostal Warszawa S.A.
Separate financial statements for the period from 01.01.2023 until 31.12.2023
(thousands PLN)
(1,683 thousands EUR). In 2024, the Company repaid part of the loans with interest in the total amount of 59,417
thousand PLN, which at the time of repayment was the equivalent of 13,580 thousand EUR.
Based on the analysis of future cash flows, the Company's Management Board estimates that the Company will
have sufficient cash to fund its operations in the period of at least 12 months after the balance sheet date. As at
31.12.2023, the value of Mostostal Warszawa S.A.'s backlog amounted to 3,073,140 thousands PLN. At the same
time, the Company participates in a number of tender procedures, which may translate into winning new orders in
the near future. When assessing the going concern assumption, the Management Board took into account the risks
and uncertainties arising from claims with customers and ongoing court proceedings, as well as the expected dates
of cash flows related to disputed amounts.
Taking into account the above factors the Management Board confirms that as at the date of approval of these
Financial Statements, there are no circumstances that could be regarded as a threat to the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern.
4.2. Compliance statement
These Financial Statements for the period of 12 months ended on 31 December 2023 have been prepared in
compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU (“EU IFRSs”). As at the date
of approval of these Financial Statements, taking into account the ongoing process of implementing IFRS in the EU
and the activities pursued by the Company as regards the applied accounting policies, we have identified changes
to IFRSs that came into force from 01 January 2023. The changes are described in Note 4.25 herein.
IFRS include standards and interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and
by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (“IFRIC”).
The Company has not decided to apply early any of the standards, interpretations or amendments that have been
published but are not yet effective.
4.3. Estimates and judgements
Preparation of financial statements in accordance with the EU IFRS requires the Management Board to make
judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of the adopted accounting principles and the
presented values of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, whose actual values may differ from the estimates.
Estimates and related assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered
reasonable in given circumstances, and their results provide the basis for professional judgement. When making
judgements, estimates or assumptions regarding major issues, the Management Board may rely on the opinions of
independent experts.
Estimates and related assumptions are subject to ongoing verification. Changes in accounting estimates are
recognized prospectively starting from the period in which changes to the estimates took place.
4.3.1. Significant Judgments in Applying Accounting Policies
Recognition of revenue from construction contracts
For construction contracts, the Company satisfies the performance obligations over time. Revenue is recognized
on the basis of the expenditure incurred in relation to the total expected expenditure to fulfil the obligation to perform
the service. In the opinion of the Management Board, taking into account the nature of the contracts being
performed, this method allows to reliably determine the status of works performed. Budgets of individual contracts
are subject to a formal update (revision) process with the use of current information, at least once a quarter. In the
event of any occurrences between official budget revisions that significantly affect the outcome of the contract, the
total contract revenue or costs can be updated earlier.
Where it is probable that the total costs associated with the performance of the construction contract exceed the
total revenue, the expected loss (the excess of cost over income) is recognized in operating costs, and on the other
side, a provision is created for onerous contracts (provision for losses on contracts). The amount of the expected
loss is also updated during the budget review and is the best estimate of the costs that the Company has to incur
to complete the contract.
4.3.2. Relevant estimates
The estimates significantly affecting the figures disclosed in the separate financial statements are related in
particular to the expected useful life of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (depreciation rates),
impairment losses on assets, assumptions adopted to recognize deferred tax assets, provisions (for warranty
repairs, employee benefits, anticipated losses on contracts and litigation), assets and liabilities arising from
construction contracts and assumptions regarding budgets (budgeted costs and revenues) and margins on the
contracts performed.